Thursday, June 27, 2013

This Week's Bonus Tickets

I had some late submissions in Google Docs for the Little Boat video, so I'll give a few more bonus tickets out for this writing idea...this one seemed to be real popular with kids.  Madilyn B, Josh W, and Taylor S all sent in some great thoughts about the video.

On to this week's Bonus Tickets...

Compass Learning
Kacia B. and Michael VP both completed more than 15 activities with an average of at least 90%!  Remember everyone, if you score below an 80%, try the activity again and see if you can bring that score up.

Google Docs
Three bonus tickets this week for Google Docs...I've been getting so many great entries, it's been very difficult to narrow it down.  Delani M. earns a bonus ticket for a wonderful description of a summer camp she recently attended.  Mallie O. will earn one for a fantastic piece she wrote titled "Summer".  Finally this week, Taylor S. is getting a bonus ticket for a great story about how her softball team won the championship.  She did a great job with details and dialogue in her story!

Reading Tracker
Our reading tracker continues to climb, and we are well over 100 books submitted.  Ashley T. earns a bonus ticket this week for her submission on Clementine, and Lilly F. will get one for submitting a form on The BFG.

Great job everyone.  Keep up the fantastic work!

Remember, the library/computer lab is closed next week, but you can still work on VSS activities from home, and I'll continue to update the blog.

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