Thursday, August 8, 2013

Writing Idea #20

Writing Idea #20
For this writing idea, you need to think back to the teacher you had last year.  Write a letter to the new kids that will be going into your old classroom.  Make sure to tell them what they can expect during their school year.  For example, if you were in Mrs. Cyr's class last year, you'll want to write about what the kids should know about her as a teacher.  What sort of things does she like and what really drives her crazy?  Do you have any suggestions about how to succeed in your old classroom?  What sort of things are they going to really enjoy with their new teacher?  What else should they know?  Give them as much information as you can so they can be fully prepared for their upcoming school year.  If I get some really great examples, I may even share a few on this blog!

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