Thursday, July 2, 2015

Stand out writers

WOW! We had so many great posts to read though for the pre-week alone. I can't wait to see what you all have in store for us through the rest of the summer!

A few stood out that really impressed us and had us chuckling!

My favorite book is Chrysanthemum because I had always thought that it was so deep and thoughtful. Chrysanthemum is all about a little mouse that loves her name. But on her first day of school everyone thought her name was too long. And her name  barely fit on her name tag.

Natasha A. went with a picture book for her favorite, which I loved, for her 3rd grade assignment! We are never too old for picture books. This is just a section of her writing, but she included so many details that really showed her love for this book. Great job, Natasha, keep it up!!

Dear Dr. Tuell,                                                                  6/28/15
I am writing to you to talk about more recess. I believe that we should have more time for recess because kids have a lot of energy and need to get it out so they can sit in class and learn. Longer recess would also give kids more time with their friends and teachers more time to get jobs done and eat their lunch. A longer recess would also help kids get their one hour of physical activity from the 5-2-1-0 program.

Thank you for reading my letter and considering adding more time for recess. I think it would help the kids and the teachers.

Keegan P.

We especially loved how Keegan gave the teachers extra time and pulled in 5-2-1-0 for his 4th grade assignment to write to Dr. Tuell asking for more recess! He clearly stated what he was writing about which is a key in opinion writing! Great job, Keegan!

For instance, my intelligence could give me the ability to create something new like a helpful medicine to cure cancer. Maybe I could make a car that could fly to get me to a place quicker. Perhaps I could create an underwater world where people could live to help with the world population.

Jayden got very creative with the 5th grade assignment of choosing a super power. He had a lot of fun writing this; thinking of all the things he could do to help people with his power!

Have fun with these assignments and be creative!

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